Web Site Accelerators
Supercharge your websites with no backend code alterations

We’ve included a set of Web Site Accelerators into your Control Panel to enable you to incredibly easily improve the overall performance of your sites. You won’t have to customize anything at all in the code or make special adjustments that need technical knowledge from you. In the Control Panel, just opt for the application you would like to employ – Node.js, Memcached and Varnish and create an instance for it. It is all done with a mouse click. By quickening your web sites, you won’t only stop your customers from being required to wait around but also will make your website rank higher in search engine listings.
You can find the Web Site Accelerators inside the Advanced Instruments area of the Control Panel.
RAM–caching as opposed to data–base calls
If you have an active database–operated website or web application, it could have problems running swiftly for the website visitors due to the many different requests sent to the database. To let you eliminate the web–page loading difficulty, we have enclosed the Memcached system in the Control Panel.
Memcached is known as an effective distributed memory caching platform, which saves data and also objects in the server’s memory in order to avoid the database from being asked any time a visitor loads a selected webpage. By doing this, your site pages will start sooner for visitors and will boost the possibility for them to return.
RAM–memorizing as an alternative to HTTP calls
If you’ve got content–loaded dynamic web sites with loads of pics and also movies, you’ll without a doubt have to make sure that your webpages come up extremely fast for your website visitors. A very good instrument you can employ is the Varnish HTTP acceleration application that will assist you to boost your websites without requiring that you have any special technical skills.
Varnish stores all requests towards the server inside the server’s memory and ships the web pages speedily to the website visitor by making unnecessary completely new queries to the web server. By doing this, the pages on your web site will be opened 300 – 1000x times more speedily for your website visitors. Also, you can pick if the inbound queries will be dealt with by Varnish, or by the server, etc.
An easy way to build up scalable web applications
If you need to generate a web application, make sure you have the tools you’ll need on hand immediately, without having to seek, arrange and install them. Domain-Host.Biz’s Control Panel can save you both the cash and time, by giving you the tools you’ll need right at your fingertips.
The Node.js software enables web developers, whether or not they are pros or not, to develop flexible network programs and websites. It is powered by the Google V8 JavaScript engine and the libUV. Node.js makes use of an event–driven, non–blocking I/O pattern that makes it lightweight and also useful, ideal for data–loaded real–time web apps running on distributed devices.